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Najčešća pitanja

K- 07 40 30 36

Elbow connector
22,5 mm
22,5 mm
10 mm
PDF preuzimanje

Izaberite izvršenje

Prikaz tabele s artiklima
Detalji proizvoda za

K- 07 40 30 36

22,5 mm
22,5 mm
10 mm


  • with pure metallic seal 
  • Plemeniti čelik 1.4404 
Područje pritiska
  • max. 25 bar 
Temperaturni opseg
  • -40 °C to +200 °C (depending on the hose quality and diameter) 
preporučena creva
  • PTFE hose 
Customs tariff number
  • 73072910 
Sva svojstva

Opis proizvoda

Ostali podaci na upit.
Supplied without seals. For use with corrosive media and at high temperatures. Screw fitting series made of stainless steel for all applications where compliance with strict tightness, pressure and temperature requirements is essential. The parts are manufactured without rubber seals, in other words they are ideal for very high temperatures or for use with corrosive liquids, e.g. in cases when FPM is no longer suitable.

Product variants

3 Results
Prikaz crteža s dimenzijama
za crevo
L1 (mm)
L2 (mm)
SW2 (mm)
Detalji / items
6 mm / 4 mm 
22,5 mm
22,5 mm
10 mm
Saznajte više
8 mm / 6 mm 
23 mm
23 mm
10 mm
Saznajte više
10 mm / 8 mm 
26 mm
26 mm
10 mm
Saznajte više

Column selection

za crevo
L1 (mm)
L2 (mm)
SW2 (mm)